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 Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 628
Age : 34

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha Empty
MessageSujet: Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha   Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha EmptyDim 8 Avr - 14:15

100.0% Tout rond ! Grâce à une astuce de GuildWiki Wink

Et oui la terre est bien plate !!! affraid

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha

GuildWiki a écrit:
* Eredon Terrace: If you are part of the alliance that owns this town, or if the kurzicks own the town, you can access a glitched area behind the exclusive area that allows you to enter the outskirts of the town. Although the area explored is permanently in fog on the map, it counts for a few tenths of exploration (about 0.4%). If you are not part of the alliance, you can use a trick to enter the exclusive and the glitched area of the town: Change, if necessary, your secondary profession to Assassin and equip Aura of Displacement or Death's Charge. Leave Eredon Terrace through the zone portal into Maishang Hills. On your left you will see a shrine. Talk to the Luxon Priest (or Kurzick) and choose to fight him (note: you will not have this option if you are of the Priest's allignment). Do not kill the Merchant. He will run into Eredon Terrace. If he doesn't, start over again. Once he is inside the town and you are still outside, place him just in your aggro circle and cast your shadow step skill. If everything goes right you will now find yourself inside Eredon Terrace. Keep Aura up all the time, because if you don't you will teleport back to where you were! Also, stepping into the zone portal from either side will send you back to Eredon Terrace, so avoid it until you are finished. You can now walk right through the gate of the exclusive area, although it looks closed, and explore the glitched area. To get there, go across the bridge, and near the Jade crane, there is a hill you can walk up. You can stop maintaining Aura of Displacement or use Death's Charge again on a shrine guard outside the town return to Maishang Hills, or step into the portal to return to Eredon Terrace. Edit: This doesn't work anymore with henchmen since they will now teleport back if they run in a portal (Pets and Heroes however will not cause problems and can be used). Edit2: You can set a flag a bit away from portal. Henchmen don't follow you and you can still get it explored. Edit3: If allied with the controlling faction bring Return and lure the nearby wallows to the shrine to force the merchant to flee, and then cast return on him. Edit4: If you do this, you will need Shadow Meld or Death's Retreat as the Merchant will stay green and will therefore be an ally. Edit5: To get the priest to fight, have more Kurzick or Luxon Faction on your characters than whichever faction controls Eredon Terrace - your guild alliance doesn't matter. Only the amount of faction you have on your characters does. If it's more than the side which controls Eredon Terrace, the Priest will fight.
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Sir Olivier
Maitre de Guilde des TBOR
Maitre de Guilde des TBOR
Sir Olivier

Nombre de messages : 942
Age : 54

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha   Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha EmptyDim 8 Avr - 20:04

Gg Nécron, c'est un des plus beaux titres du jeu. cheers
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Nombre de messages : 628
Age : 34

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha   Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha EmptyLun 9 Avr - 20:32

Voici donc cette map tant attendu, exploré à 100% en 1280*1024 et jpeg :

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha
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Nombre de messages : 196
Age : 37

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha   Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha EmptyMar 10 Avr - 10:46

Un grand bravo Necron, c'est vrai que c'est un titre des plus dur et valorisant
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Nombre de messages : 628
Age : 34

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha   Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha EmptyMar 10 Avr - 16:35

J'ai l'entention de faire la même, mais cette fois avec ma Rodeuse Wink Et je pense que ce sera plus facile là 2eme fois Wink
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Nombre de messages : 142
Age : 34

Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha   Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha EmptySam 14 Avr - 12:27

merci beaucoup
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Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha   Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha Empty

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Mon assassin => enfin Grand maître Cartographe de Cantha
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